
You may wonder whether to use your chosen name or the name you were given at birth when submitting a resume and cover letter. There is no right or wrong answer, because resumes and cover letters are not legal documents. It’s fine to write the name you have chosen even if it does not reflect the name on your government-issued ID. 然而, 用于背景调查的文件, 社会保障, 税务或保险文件上应该有你的合法名字.

Here are a few ways you can address a mismatch between your resume and other legal documents:

  • Include your first initial of your legal name, or your full legal name. 例如,M. 莉迪亚·罗宾逊或者迈克尔·莉迪亚·罗宾逊.
  • Use the name on your government-issued ID and disclose your gender identity and name later in the hiring process or after an offer has been made.
  • Write the name that you use if you are comfortable coming out early in the hiring process or if you are already acquainted with the hiring manager or recruiter.


选择参加专业会议的着装, interviews or networking events can be particularly challenging for queer and trans job seekers. 按照“传统”着装的决定, cisgender norms or to wear clothes that allow you to express your gender identity may vary over time and from interview to interview, 取决于你个人的舒适程度. Your knowledge of the particular employer or industry may inform your decision.

理想情况下,穿让你感觉自信的衣服. 如果你在一个保守的地方面试或交际, 企业环境, 你可能会有意识地选择穿着性别规范的服装. 对于更自由的组织来说, 尤其是那些表现出包容lgbtq的学校, you may feel comfortable wearing clothes typically associated with the gender with which you identify. 或者,你可以选择穿中性或中性的衣服. This is a personal choice and will be impacted by your own level of comfort as well as your research on the particular employer or field.


Factors to consider when evaluating whether or not you wish to work for a particular employer include:

  • 工作内容
  • 专业技能发展
  • 晋升机会
  • 文化适应
  • 同性恋群体-friendly环境

While it may be difficult to determine if the employer is truly safe and supportive, you can ask about the following indicators for insight into the organizational culture. 此外,在面试中可能很难问这些问题. 做一些初步的调查可以帮助你找到答案. 这里有一些问题需要考虑, 如果你想进一步聊聊这些, 请与您的职业教练预约:

  • 家庭伴侣福利包括健康和人寿保险, 教育拨款, 使用设施, 等.
  • Non-discrimination policies that include sexual orientation and gender identity/expression
  • 培训内容包括对同性恋群体问题的敏感性
  • 有无性别中立的洗手间
  • 正式或非正式的内部支持或员工小组
  • 赞助或参与同性恋群体社群活动
  • 参与针对同性恋群体候选人的招聘活动
  • 职位描述中的平等机会雇主(EOE)声明
  • 公司有经验人员的积极评价

人权运动 企业平等指数 是识别包容lgbtq的雇主的有用工具吗.



  • 创造变革会议
  • 跨性别学生教育会议
  • 茁壮成长的时间

重新开始 & 求职信


You may wonder whether to include 同性恋群体-specific awards or scholarships, 宣传工作, 或者参加同性恋群体学生组织. Whether or not to come out on a resume or cover letter depends on your own comfort level and interest in sharing your sexuality or gender identity with others. It is a very personal decision to come out at any stage of the job search process. 因此,没有正确或错误的答案.

There are questions to ask yourself to gauge how safe you feel about your experiences.

问问你自己:外出工作对你来说重要吗? 一定要研究一下你的工作环境. 你申请的组织可能是对lgbtq友好的吗? 如果你担心的话,他们不是, you may choose to highlight the skills you developed but not the organizations you worked with. Is a particular activity, award or experience relevant to the job you are applying for? If the experience does not demonstrate relevant skills you may choose to leave it off at this point.



项目协调员2015.05 -至今

Organized the annual Student Anti-Homophobia Leadership Summit for 32 East High school students, 通过脸谱网进行宣传, 纽约市公立学校, 以及同性恋群体青年组织.

面试 & 工作上的成功


One way to share your 同性恋群体 identity is to ask questions about affinity groups or employee resources that the employer offers to 同性恋群体 employees. Or, you may bring up your involvement in 同性恋群体-related leadership or advocacy as evidence of skills and knowledge you can bring to the organization.

Both sexual orientation and gender identity are protected by state and local laws. (Check with the Human Rights Campaign and New York Attorney General’s office for the latest information).

如果雇主问的问题让你感到不舒服, there are ways to redirect conversations or dismiss the question as irrelevant to your employment. 例如, 如果被问及性取向, you can simply ask if it is relevant to the job you are interviewing for. 相反, you may choose to bring up your identity/(ies) to gain a sense of the company’s culture or the employer’s openness.

You can build confidence by preparing to answer the questions you are most nervous about and practicing tactfully negotiating questions around your sexuality. 和职业教练安排一次模拟面试来练习! 


The Human Rights Campaign maintains a list of industry specific 同性恋群体 Professional and Student Associations, 我们在这里强调了一般的职业资源.

  • 为大学生着想:致力于帮助优秀的女同性恋, 同性恋, 双性恋 and transgender (LGBT) undergraduates reach their full potential in their careers. Hosts career conferences in the fields of Business, Marketing, Engineering and 技术.
  • Diversity in the Workplace: A magazine highlighting diversity related news, 雇主50强, 职场问题和职业发展机会.
  • Human Rights Campaign: Employee resources on everything from coming out to addressing workplace discrimination.
  • LGBT Career Link: Job posting site highlighting opportunities for 同性恋群体 people.
  • Out and Equal Workplace Advocates: Provides information regarding workplace issues and hosts annual 同性恋群体 workplace summit.


  • The Trevor Project: Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 13-24岁的跨性别和质疑(同性恋群体)年轻人.