种族职业资源 & 民族社区

How do I share my participation in cultural events on my resume?

You may wonder whether to include awards, 奖学金, 宣传工作, or involvement in student organizations that pertain to your identities. Whether or not to use this information on a resume or cover letter depends on your own comfort level and interest in sharing who you are with others. It is a very personal decision, and as such, there is no right or wrong answer.

However, there are questions to ask yourself to gauge how safe you feel about your experiences.

Ask yourself: is it important for your colleagues to know who you are at work? Be sure to research your work environment. Is it likely the organization you’re applying to is inclusive? 如果你担心的话,他们不是, you may choose to highlight the skills you developed but not the organizations you worked with. Is a particular activity, award or experience relevant to the job you are applying for? If the experience does not demonstrate relevant skills you may choose to leave it off at this point.



学生会协会     Houston, TX

President                                      May 2015-Present

  • Recruit, hire, and train 50 SGA members in collaboration with two co-advisors

How do I know if a company is a good fit?

There are many ways to determine if a company is a good fit for you. 成为合适的人选, you should match what the company is looking for and the company should match what you are looking for. While you can’t always know 100% what a company looks for in a candidate, you can take steps to research the company and find out as much as you can about it to determine whether you could see yourself joining their team.


伯特兰,M., & 穆雷风,年代. (2003). Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination. 《比较靠谱的赌博大平台》 . doi:10.3386/w9873

Kang, S. K.,十二烷基,K. A.蒂尔西克,A., & Jun, S. (2016). Whitened Résumés. 行政

科学季刊,v61(3), 469-502. doi:10.1177/0001839216639577




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